This is how to add content in Mediasite to your Course Channel in Brightspace.

Please note this used to be called Mediasite Module. 

Here is a video tutorial. Please note the interface may be slightly different now. Screenshots below are up to date as of 02/03/21.

To add videos to your Mediasite Module,

  1. In MyMediasite, click the name of a presentation.
    click the name of a presentation you want to add to a module
  2. Click Edit Details.
    click Edit Details
  3. Scroll down to the Modules settings.
  4. Click Add Module.
    click Add Module
  5. Click on the name of your course.
    click on the name of the course you want to add the video to a module for
  6. Click Save.
    click Save
  7. The presentation will appear in your course's Mediasite Module.
    the video showing up in the course's Mediasite Module