You will need the meetings client. These are directions on how to do this without starting a meeting. If you do not do this ahead of time, the client will download when you click through a Join URL to join or Start a meeting.

  1. From the Zoom Profile page, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  2. Under Downloads, click on Meetings Client.
  3. Click the blue Download button under Zoom Client for Meetings.
  4. Save the ZoomInstaller.exe file and once downloaded, double click to Run and Install.
  5. After installation, you will be prompted to sign in.
  6. Click the Sign In with SSO button.
  7. Enter "bloomu" as your company domain and click Continue.
  8. On the HuskyID Sign-On page, enter your BU credentials.
  9. You will then see the Home Screen for the Zoom client.