If you offer online office hours, you may want to schedule a Zoom meeting that is "always available" for the convenience of having one link you can post in BOLT or send out to your students.

To do this, you need to set up a recurring meeting with no fixed time.

To set up a recurring meeting with No Fixed Time,

  1. From your Zoom profile page, click on Meetings.
  2. Click Schedule a New Meeting.
  3. Enter the information for the meeting.
    1. The "Topic" will be the name of the meeting. If for a class, make sure it's clear what semester and class the meeting is for. Your portal is NOT specific to each course you need to identify what semester and course the meeting is for in the Topic name. This is to make things easier for you later!

    2. Select "Recurring meeting".

    3. Select "No Fixed Time" in the Recurrence selector.

  4. topic field, recurring meeting selected, and recurrence set to No Fixed Time
  5. Set meeting options that are applicable.
  6. Click Save when finished.
  7. On the screen that appears, you will see an Invite Attendees heading. Highlight the Join URL and type "CTRL+C" or "COMMAND+C" to copy, or right-click and select Copy. You can paste this URL into an email or add it as a content topic in BOLT. Attendees will use this link to join your Zoom meeting when it is time for the meeting.