Create a Grade Item

Grade items represent individual assessments of student learning. Each grade item has its own entry in the Gradebook that you can use to assign a grade for each student.

Grade items can be associated to items in your course such as quizzes, assignment submission folders, discussion topics, and other items, or they can exist independently. Grade items can be graded numerically, based on a grade scheme, or with a simple text message depending on the type of grade item chosen.

To create a grade item,

  1. In Grades, click Manage Grades.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select Item.
    Manage Grades, New, Click item.

  4. Click on the type of item you want to create.
    New Numeric Item
  5. Depending on the type you selected, your creation options will be different. Select your options on the Properties and Restrictions tab. Please see specific topics to see how to create the different types of grade items.
    Name grade item.

  6. Save your itemby
    1. Clicking Save and Close to return to the Grades tool.
    2. Clicking Save and New to create another Item.
    3. Clicking Save to save your work and continue working on the Item.
    4. Or else if you don’t want to save, click Cancel.
      Save & Close