Edit an Item or Category

You can edit items or categories one at a time or multiple categories and items at once using the Bulk Edit feature. The Bulk Edit feature allows you to modify Name, Short Name, Max Points, Weight, Bonus, Can Exceed, Grade Scheme, and Category for multiple categories and items at once.

Editing Individual Categories and Grade Items

  1. In Grades, click Manage Grades.
  2. Click the name of the category or item you want to edit.
    Click manage grades, click Item.

  3. Make the changes and click Save and Close.
    Click Save and Close

Editing Multiple Categories and Grade Items

  1. In Grades, click Manage Grades.
  2. Select the categories or items you want to edit.
  3. Click Bulk Edit at the top or bottom of the list.
    Click Bulk Edit, Select Items.

  4. Use the table to update fields.
  5. Click Save.
    Change items, Click Save.