Types of Enrollment

Here is a table explaining the different enrollment types available in the Groups tool in BOLT.

Type of Enrollment


# of Groups – No Auto Enrollment

Use this option when you know how many groups you want to create and which users you want in each group.


This option creates a specified number of groups, for which you can add any number of users using the Enroll Users page.

Groups of #

Use this option when you know how many users you want in each group. Select this option when you have assignments that require work to be divided between a specific number of users, or when you can only accommodate a set number of users in a lab or work area at one time.


Selecting this option creates the minimum number of groups needed to place users in groups of a specified maximum size. More groups are created when they are needed to accommodate users.

# of Groups

Use this option when you know how many groups you want to create, but want the system to place users in groups for you. Select this option when you want group membership to be indiscriminate, or when classroom, resource, or teaching assistant availability restricts the number of groups you can have.


Selecting this option creates a specified number of groups.

Groups of # - Self Enrollment

Use this option when you know how many users you want in each group, but you want to allow users to choose their own groups. Select this option when you want users to choose their groups based on friendship, learning style, schedules, or geographic location.


Selecting this option creates the minimum number of groups needed to accommodate users in groups of a specified maximum size automatically. Users choose the group they want to enroll in from the Groups page.

# of Groups – Self Enrollment

Use this option when you want to make a specific number of groups available for users to join. Select this option when you want to organize groups on specific topics, which users can join based on interest, or for creating groups that are responsible for specific aspects of a larger project, which users can join based on knowledge or task preferences.


Selecting this option creates a specified number of groups, which users enroll in from the Groups page.

# of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrollment

Use this option when you know how many users you want in each group, you want to allow users to choose their own groups, and you want each group to have a maximum number of users. Select this option when you want users to choose their groups based on areas of interest or responsibility in larger projects, but you want to limit membership in each group to a certain number of users.


Selecting this option creates a specified number of groups with a specified number of enrollments per group. Users choose the group they want to enroll in from the Groups page.

Single user, member specific groups

Select this option when you want to create journal type groups with a single member.


Using this option creates a group with a single user where the first name and last name of the learner is the name of the group. When a new learner is enrolled in the course a group is automatically created for them.