Create a Section

You can add sections of questions to quizzes. Sections organize different types or themes of questions in your quiz.

Questions within sections can be shuffled, and sections can be shuffled at the quiz level. Please see “Randomize and Shuffle Questions” for more information on these topics.

To create a section in a quiz,

  1. In the quiz, click Add/Edit Questions.
    Add/Edit Questions button in quiz.
  2. Click Add
  3. Select Section
    Add button, Section selected
  4. Enter the Section Title. A preview will appear on the right.
  5. Set options as you need (all optional).
  6. Click Save or click the arrow to select Save and New or Save and Copy.

    Click Save button.

  7. Add any other sections.
  8. When you are done adding sections, click Back to Settings for the quiz at the top of the page.

    click Back to Settings

You will still need to add questions to your sections. You can do this by clicking on the section title and then using the Add or Import buttons to add questions to the quiz and drag-and-drop into a section.