If you need to change the availability window, or time limit, or number of attempts allowed on a quiz, you can add special access.

Here is a video explaining how to do that in Brightspace:

  1. Edit the quiz.
  2. Click Dates & Availability.
  3. Click Manage Special Access.
  4. Select "Allow users special access to this quiz".
  5. Click Add Users to Special Access.
  6. Scroll down and search for or select your student.
  7. Scroll up and 
    1. set the Start/Due/End dates for your quiz- this will change the window of time in which the student can take the quiz.
    2. Edit the timing settings- if you have a time limit and need to add time, select enforced time limit, and then use the multiplier or extra time boxes to add time to your base quiz enforced time limit.
    3. Change the number of attempts allowed.
  8. Once your settings are how you want them for the student, click Save.
  9. Click Save and Close.
  10. Click Save and Close again to save the quiz with the new 

For more information on special access, please see: How do I add special access for assignments so students can complete outside of a due date?