Share Awards with Other Courses

You can choose to share your awards with other courses you teach, or with other instructors. By default, new awards are available to all your courses, but you can also share with other instructors.


To modify sharing settings of an existing award,

  1. In Awards, click Course Awards.
    Classlist, Course Awards

  2. Click Edit Award.
    Click Edit Award

  3. Select availability settingsfor whom you want the certificate to be available.
    • Select “Make this award available to all of my courses” to use it in other courses.
    • Select “Make this award available to other award creators and their courses” so other instructors can grant the certificate in their courses.
      • Select “Restrict award to the course and its child org units” if you only want this particular course to use the certificate.
        Make this award available to others

  4. Click Save or Save and Close.
    Save and Close

  5. If you get an Edit Award Alert, click Save.
    Click Save