If you already have your questions in a word processor file, then you can upload the questions (multiple choice, true/false, essay, fill in the blank, matching, and multiple answers) to Respondus. You will first need to format the questions and then save the file as a text (.txt), rich-text (.rtf) or MS Word (.doc .docx) file. The MS Word and rich-text files retain some of the formatting you may have already done,including bold, italic, underline, superscript, and subscript. If you may have already done,including bold, italic, underline, superscript, and subscript.

Respondus Formatting for Question Types

  • Number each question.
  • Number must be immediately followed by a parenthesis or a period.
  • Put one space between the parenthesis or period and the question wording.
  • A full list of formatting options is found under Help Topics inside Respondus 4.0.

Multiple Choice:

  • Each answer choice must begin with a letter followed by a period “.” or a parentheses “)”.
  • Correct answer is marked with an asterisk directly in front of the answer choice (no spaces).
  • General feedback can be provided using a tilde symbol ~ followed by a space followed by the feedback. (OPTIONAL)
  • Incorrect answer feedback can be provided using an @ symbol followed by a space followed back the feedback. (OPTIONAL)
  • For individual answer choice feedback for multiple choice questions, place the feedback immediately after the answer choice and begin the line with the @ symbol. There must be at least one space between the @ symbol and the feedback text.

Example w/general feedback and incorrect answer feedback:

1. Who determined the exact speed of light?

~ Yes, Albert Michelson won the Nobel Prize for Physics for determining the exact speed of light.

@ Albert Michelson was the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Physics (1907) for his measurements of the speed of light. His experiments laid the groundwork for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

a. Albert Einstein

*b. Albert Michelson

c. Thomas Edison

d. Guglielmo Marconi

Example w/answer choice feedback:

1. Who determined the exact speed of light?

a. Albert Einstein

@ No. Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light.

*b. Albert Michelson

@ Yes. Albert Michelson won the Nobel Prize for Physics for determining the exact speed of light.

c) Thomas Edison

@ No, Thomas Edison did not determine the exact speed of light.

d. Guglielmo Marconi

@ No. Marconi did not discover the exact speed of light, but he did win the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work with radio waves.



  • Order must be true then false
  • Correct answer is marked with an asterisk directly in front of the answer choice(no spaces).
  • General feedback can be provided using an @ symbol followed by a space followed by the feedback. (OPTIONAL)


2) Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light?

@ Albert Michelson was the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Physics (1907) for his measurements of the speed of light. His experiments laid the groundwork for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

*a. T

 b. F

Essay Questions: 

  • The first line must be “Type: E”
  • The second line must be the question itself
  • You can provide an answer key by beginning a line after the question with “a.” or “a)”.


Type: E

3. How is the Michelson-Morely experiment related to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity?

a. In 1887, Albert Michelson and Edward Morely carried out experiments to detect the change in speed of light due to ether wind when the Earth moved around the sun… They found…


Short Answer Questions

  • The first line must be “Type: S”
  • The second line must be the question itself
  • You can provide an answer or multiple forms of the answer


Type: S

4. Who is known as the "father of television"?

a. Zworykin

b. Vladimir Zworykin

c. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin


Multiple Response:

  • The first line must be “Type: MR”
  • Formatted similarly to MC questions, but more than one answer is marked with asterisk


Type: MR

5. Which of the following individuals are credited with determining the exact speed of light?

a. Albert Einstein

*b. Albert Michelson

c. Thomas Edison

*d. Edward Williams Morley



  • First line must be “Type: MT”
  • Each answer must begin with a letter followed by a period “.” or a parentheses “)”.
  • The two parts of the match must be separated with an “=” symbol


Type: MT

6. Match the correct name to the discovery or theory.

a. Michelson-Morely = Speed of light

b. Einstein = Theory of Relativity

c. Marconi = radio waves


Fill in the Blank:

  • First line must be “Type: F”
  • The second line must be the question itself
  • You can provide an answer or multiple forms of the answer


Type: F

7. _____________ is known as the "father of television"?

a. Zworykin

b. Vladimir Zworykin

c. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin


Multiple Fill in the Blank:

  • First line must be “Type: FMB”
  • The second line must be the question itself
  • The words to be filled in should be in [square brackets]. There can be up to 10 words to be filled in each of which have 20 correct answers.


Type: FMB

8. A [rose] by any other [name] would smell as [sweet].



  • First line must be “Type: ORD”
  • The second line must be the question itself
  • Answer choices must be in correct order.


Type: ORD

9. Put the following presidents in order of service?

a. George Washington

b. John Adams

c. Thomas Jefferson

d. James Madison

e. James Monroe

Additional formatting instructions can be found at the following location in the BOLT help course:
