Getting a list of meeting participants:

Sometimes you need to access a list of meeting participants for a past meeting. From the Zoom portal ( you can access meeting details for meeting more than 30 minutes in the past. 

  1. Sign in to the Zoom portal at
  2. From the main portal page, click Reports and then click Usage
    Zoom Portal, Click Reports, Click Usage
  3. Optional: Use the calendar icons to choose a date range when your meeting occurred. By default, the past 24 hours of meetings are shown. You can view up to one month of meetings at a time.
    Choose Date Range if Needed
  4. Find the Participants column and click on the link with the number of participants. 
    Click number of participants shown
  5. You will see the list of meeting participants. You can export this information to Excel, if needed, by clicking the Export button.
    List of participants. Click Export to save file.