Students need to sign in to Zoom using our Single Sign On to access most classroom meetings now. 

To do this:

You will get a message requiring you to sign in as an authorized. Click Sign in to Join.

Once you do this you will need to click the Sign In with SSO button on the resulting login page.

This will cause a screen to appear that requests a domain. 

Enter the domain that matches your university:

Lock Havenlockhaven

NOTE: do not add ‘.edu’ to your domain. Example: Bloomsburg students should ONLY enter ‘bloomu’. 

Then click Continue.

This triggers our SSO page. You should then enter your BU credentials as usual for all our SSO systems.

Lock Haven and Mansfield students will be taken to their own SSO page.

Once you do this, you should be able to launch the Zoom app or be taken directly to the meeting.

If this doesn't solve your problem, you may not have an account, or have to verify an account. Check your email and make sure there is not a Zoom email asking you to verify your account. If there is, please take the steps in the email to verify your account!