How to Navigate BOLT


Once you login to BOLT, your My Home page will load.

You can return to this page at any time by clicking on the My Home link (BOLT Logo) at the top left of the webpage:

clicking on the BOLT logo to return to home page

Parts of My Home Page

Your My Home page is where you can access all aspects of BOLT and a number of online resources for Bloomsburg University students. Each part of the page has a specific function.

Bolt home page with the minibar and the navbar sections called out

The Minibar

The bar with the My Home link is called the minibar. This bar stays in place at the top of the page no matter what course you go to in BOLT. Use the minibar to access your BOLT My Home page, the course selector, message, update, and subscription alerts, and your personal settings.


  1. Click on the BOLT logo to go to your My Home page.
  2. Click on the Select a course icon to access courses.
  3. Click on the envelope icon to see message notifications.
  4. Click on the speech bubble icon to see subscription alerts.
  5. Click on the bell icon to see update alerts.
  6. Click on your name to access your settings.

The Navbar

The second navigation bar in BOLT is called the navbar. Click University Resources on the navbar to access links to Bloomsburg University resources. Click Help to access help for BOLT, Clickers, and more.

Expanded University Resources and Help menu items

*Note that the Navbar contains more links when you navigate to a course.

My Courses Widget, Important News Widget, and Need Help Widget sections highlighted and defined

My Courses Widget

The My Courses widget contains links to your courses. Click on any course to enter by clicking on the image or name of the course you want to access. You can also find the course you want by clicking on the ‘View All Courses’ link in the widget.

Important News Widget

The Important News widget contains important information of new updates and introductions to the BOLT interface.

BOLT Support Widget (new and replacing Need Help? widget)

The BOLT Support widget has a form that can be filled out to request help with BOLT. Please put your full name in the Requester field so we know who is contacting us. The widget also has a Search Articles tab so you can search articles on this Infobase, as well as information about our on campus support hours and contact information.