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BOLT Access and Login
What is BOLT?
How do I access or login to BOLT?
What is my BOLT username and password?
How can I change my BOLT password?
When do new, incoming students have access to BOLT?
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BOLT Courses
How do I find my courses in BOLT?
When are this semester's courses available?
Why don't I see my courses in BOLT?
What does the Select a course menu at the top of the page do?
BOLT Navigation
How do I find my courses in BOLT?
After I log in to BOLT, how do I navigate in BOLT?
How do I access or change my account settings in BOLT?
How do I add or change my profile picture?
How do I set or change Notifications in BOLT?
BOLT Course Content
How do I access and navigate in a course?
What can I do in Content?
BOLT Quizzes
How do I take a quiz in BOLT?
How do I view my quiz attempts?
How do I take a quiz in Respondus LockDown Browser?
What do I do if my quiz froze?
When I enter the quiz, it tells me I must submit. What do I do?
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BOLT Grades
How do I view my grades in BOLT?
My instructor said grades are available so why can't I see my grades in BOLT?
My instructor says they left feedback for my assignment but I don't see it in Grades. Where is it?
BOLT Assignments
Why won't BOLT let me upload my file?
I tried troubleshooting but still can't upload my file to BOLT so what can I do?
How can I tell if I submitted my file?
Why can't I find my submission receipt in my Huskies email?
Do you have any tips for submitting assignments in BOLT?
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BOLT Discussions
What do I do if I can't see the discussion topic my instructor says we need to post to?
How do I read and reply to discussions?
How can I create a thread (make a post) in a discussion?
How can I add an attachment to a discussion?
How can I insert a YouTube video in a discussion?
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BOLT Class Progress
How do I view Class Progress?
How can I view Discussion Rubric feedback in Class Progress?
BOLT Awards
How can I view my Awards in a course?
How can I share my awards?
BOLT Classlist
How can I find out who my instructor is in BOLT?
How can I send email messages in BOLT?
BOLT Surveys
How do I take a survey in BOLT?
How do I use the chat tool?
What are clickers?
How do I know if I need a clicker?
What do I need to receive credit for using my clicker?
What is my Turning Account and how do I create it?
What do I need to purchase if my class requires clickers?
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What is Zoom?
How do I access my professor's Zoom meeting?
I can't access a Zoom Meeting like I used to, what do I do?
I can't use my Zoom account to access Bloomsburg University class meetings. Why not? What can I do?
What is the best way to access a Zoom meeting?
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BOLT ePortfolio
What is ePortfolio?
How do I access ePortfolio?
How can I set up ePortfolio to access it after I graduate?
What can I add to ePortfolio?
How do I add a file in ePortfolio?
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BOLT Video Note and Audio Note
What are Video and Audio Notes?
How can I add a video note in the HTML Editor (discussions or assignments comments)?
How can I add a video note using the Record Video button?
How do I allow popups in my browser?
How do I get a video to play in BOLT?
I can't find the email my professor sent from BOLT. Where is it?
Why can't I get a confirmation/verification code on my mobile phone to enable SMS notifications?
BOLT Video Assignments
How do I submit a Video Assignment?
How can I Peer Review Submissions in Video Assignments?
How do I review my feedback in Video Assignments?
Self Registration for Extra Courses in BOLT
How do I self register for an extra in BOLT?
Brightspace Pulse
What is Pulse, and how do I get it?
What is NetTutor?
How do I access NetTutor from BOLT?