To access free online tutoring support from NetTutor, first sign into BOLT. From the Student Home Page, Select “NetTutor”.
This will take you to the NetTutor main page and the first time you access you need to agree to the End User License Agreement.
Choose the content area for which you need help.
The NetTutor dashboard provides 3 support resources, as well as a locker. NOTE: Because WALES is fully operational, students should continue to use their services for assistance with writing.
Meet with a Live Tutor:
Directs you to an information page where a tutor will be available soon.
Drop off a Question:
Directs you through two prompts to drop off your question
First, name your question.
Second, use the white board to ask your question. Once you have finished your question, click the “Submit” button in the lower left-hand corner.
The Locker:
Your locker stores all your NetTutor sessions. You can review your live tutoring sessions, retrieve papers you have submitted for feedback, or gather responses to your submitted questions.