1. Login to BOLT. 
  2. Navigate to your course. 
  3. Click Assessments. 
  4. Click Quizzes. 
  5. Click the name of the quiz. 
  6. Review the information and click the Launch LockDown Browser button. 
  7. Review information and click the Start Quiz button. 
  8. Click OK in the confirmation pop up. 
  9. Take and submit your quiz as you normally would in BOLT.

Step by step: http://departments.bloomu.edu/imdc/Docs/Respondus/LDB/student/respondusLDB_student_takingAQuiz.pdf

LockDown Browser is available for use on library computers. For information on how to use LockDown Browser on library computers, see http://departments.bloomu.edu/imdc/Docs/Respondus/LDB/student/respondusLDB_student_AndrussLibrary.pdf