If your instructor has used a rubric and says to check in Class Progress to see your rubric feedback, you can do this in the Class Progress tool.

  1. Click on Assessments
    Assessments menu item expanded and the Class Progress option is selected.
  2. Select Class Progress
  3. The Progress Summary loads.
  4. Click on Discussions on the left navigation pane
  5. Click on the ‘Topics’ link to expand and see discussion topics
    Discussion progress displaying for user Tony Stark and listing all threads / topics..
  6. Click on Details to expand if necessary
  7. Click on the discussion topic
  8. Click on the rubric name to view feedback from instructor
    Discussion progress displaying a topic with details expanded to display a topic named S.H.I.E.L.D TEST.Topic S.H.I.E.L.D TEST displayed and associated rubric is selected.