Video: Send E-mail via Classlist

You can send emails via the Classlist in BOLT.

  1. In a course, click on Communication.
  2. Click on Classlist
    Communication menu expanded with Classlist selected
  3. On the Classlist page:
    1. send e-mail by clicking on the Email Classlist button
      Email Classlist button
    2. or by selecting participants and clicking the Email link.  Options include:
      1. Selecting all participants on the page and deselecting any you do not want to email
      2. Manually selecting participants by selecting the check box beside their profile picture
      3. Increase the number in the per page selector for classes with high enrollment! Otherwise you would have to email one page of participants at a time!Classlist displaying list of users and checkboxes next to each user are selected/deslected to include/not include in the email and the number of uesrs to dispay per page is highlighted.